
Group 7_A | SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

  Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns Authored by:  Aparajita Rai BJ21013 | Deepak Sharma BJ21018 | Jishnu Purkayastha BJ21026 | Nikhil Gupta BJ21033 | Pranav Singla BJ21040 | Utkarsh Mani Tripathi BJ21059 | Zach Tom BJ21061 ( Image Source ) “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” -    Mahatma Gandhi Introduction to the SDG The world market thrives on production and the demand for consumptions is ever growing. But production of any good requires raw materials and other assets and facilities to process the final product. Generally, such raw materials come from natural resources and require labour. However, with production, waste is also produced. Also, a significant portion of the produced goods goes to waste due to lower consumption or due to the end of their usability cycle. Every year about one-third of all the food produced goes to waste and ends up rotting in bins, landfills, or streets. A similar problem is with electri

Group 8_C | UN SDG: Affordable & Clean Energy

  In September 2015,  after a community consultation process, a ll the 193 UN member countries adopted Resolution 70/1- Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 8 million people contributed to frame the most pressing issues on the planet. More than 300 issues arose, which were then combined into 17 broader goals which the UN called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   This article talks about the seventh SDG- Affordable and Clean Energy.  One-third of the world population still uses dangerous and inefficient cooking systems. A quarter of billion people don’t have access to electricity. Less than 10% of energy comes from renewable sources for the transport and heat sector. The aim is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.   The goal has five targets to be achieved by 2030 and indicators to measure the progress are as noted below:   Outcome Targets: ·        Target 7.1- Universal access to modern energy Measure