
Showing posts from December, 2020

Group8_C | SDG 5: Gender Equality

  Introduction ‘To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’ is the 5 th  goal in the list of United Nation’s list of sustainable development goals. But why do need gender equality to be sustainable? The reasons are in abundance. Gender equality is not just a basic human right but also forms the foundation of a healthy and prosperous society. It has the capability to pave the way for reduced crime, poverty, and illness. Gender equality saves lives; globally the lack of empowerment and resources does not allow women the ability to defend themselves who are in a far more vulnerable position in life threatening situations like natural calamities and disasters. Giving them the position and tools to develop this capability will allow them to defend themselves better. Better healthcare for women, an essential aspect of achieving gender equality will also help save many female lives that succumb to treatable conditions that do not receive enough care/attention. Economic well

Group6_A | SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG-4:  Quality of Education -  Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all   Group Members:    Anushka Jain BJ20010 | Manav Hirani BJ20020 | Isha Gupta BJ20021 | Ramsha  Marufi  BJ20041 | Simran Jain BJ20051 | Sonal Gu pta BJ20053   Introduction   Education is one of the significant pillars necessary for sustainable growth and development. With growing awareness levels, countries worldwide have experienced tremendous progress in improving literacy skills and increasing enrolment rates. The global youth literacy rates increased to 91.4% in 2016, from 83.2% in 1990. In pursuit of Millennium Development Goals in India, progress has been observed in providing basic universal education and gender equality in education through schemes like  Sarva  Shiksha Abhiyan and mid-day meals. However, the challenges we face are immense. As our country dealt with the  Covid  19 crisis, 25 crore children lost their access to education as schools r