Group8_D | SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Introduction: Energy has been the foundation for the development of civilization since the beginning of time. Humans have been doing wonders using this single tool of power that was provided to us by our environment. Starting form mere fire that helped us to save our lives at night and cook our meals, that encouraged us to give up the life of a nomad and settle down, that marked as the beginning of a civilization to the present era where energy is no more confined to what we touch or feel but beyond that, we, as a species have come a long way. But all of this came at a cost. Our evolution in terms of intelligence gave us means to exploit the resources available to us but the same intelligence compelled us to strive more to a point that this requirement changed from a need to greed. We grew in numbers, civilizations expanded into nations, technological advancements led to large metallic machines pumping out oils from the breasts of earth and we started to grow at a rapid pace. But...